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Industry Issues

Here are a few issues to look out for that still exist in many corners of the stone industry. Ask Questions!

- Stone Shows Up Weeks or Months Late, Sometimes a year late - strike, or quarry was under water, etc. 
- Not Correct - Measurements or design is not what was ordered with no clear signature trail 
- Missing parts with no knowledge of which one is missing, because there are no signed drawings included
- Replacement parts take another 8 weeks to arrive with no exceptions, unless you pay a lot
- Companies knowingly mislead customers because they have huge legal teams on retainer
- Companies underpackage so stone breaks, causing rush order fees to add to the bottom line
- Joints are not correct, thus requiring new parts or lots of extra cuts and sizing on site. Time and money.
- Drawings were WRONG making the stone wrong and will not fit.
- Black Mold on stones outer surfaces from excessive moisture during packing and humidity during shipping.
- The packaging crates or pallets fall apart during transport and the stone is damaged beyond repair.
- Fabricator uses dynamited stone that cracks apart during shipping or installation. 
- Wrong Color or Type of Stone that’s not like the signed sample you agreed to.
- Wrong Finish Type - Different than signatures - Smooth / Chiseled / Rustic / Honed, Polished etc
- Delivery issues to the site or storage issues before delivery cause unseen problems
- Customs destroys the product looking for drugs - drill giant holes through it. 
- Inclusions in the stone are located in bad (prominent) location without client communication before. 
- Chipped and Cracked Edges, Saw Marks or Drill Holes that should not have passed inspection 
- Order does not include drawings or photos of the product, or signatures from an inspector or manager.
- Mud slurry on every surface of the stone from saw cutting and drilling, requiring lots of pressure washing
- Bad installation or advise from third party installers who mess up your stone and installation
- Nothing fits properly and multiple cuts are required on all joints.
- Price Changed - Now the factory or supplier or truckers want more money or they will wait until you pay
- Deposit got stollen (on more than one occasion, we've seen big companies accept millions, then disappear) 
- Entire order just disappears (outright stolen) semi truck trailer missing
- Company sold fake antique stone for 20 times markup. Owners fled country after ICE and Customs arrive
- Sales associate for a stone company goes direct to the factory, trying to cut out the owner,  nightmares.
- Disreputable customs broker gets entire warehouse seized by US customs for months, including stone 
- Client's fund control handling payments. Fund control (bank) goes out of business. Job delay 12 months
- Someone injured or killed at a factory in another country, and clients order is held for ransom 
- Client not made aware of factors not in our control - Dock workers strikes, Flooding, Chinese New Year, etc
- Drug cartel dug tunnel into freight forwarding companies warehouse. Gets caught, stone seized for months
- Stone supplier uses wood packaging materials not allowed in the US. US GOV refuses entry until repacked

After Reading the Above:

​Do you need to ask:
Why does stone cost so much? 

Answer: Because understanding that mine field of a list specifically detailing a few of the industries issues, hopefully you can understand what an honest reputable company needs to go through to consistently get you a top quality architectural stone product. 
Compared that process to precast cement:
It's sure not like pouring colored cement into a mold in a dirt field down the street.

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